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Each stage of a faculty career poses unique challenges. The CFE provides services that fit faculty development at every step along the way. Explore our offerings for graduate students and post-docs, junior faculty, mid-career, senior faculty, department heads and chairs.

We offer practical, personalized guidance for campus faculty and emerging scholars of all levels:

New faculty members face many challenges. While your career prospects are exciting, you may struggle to keep your head above water, trying to meet multiple demands at the same time. The most important lesson: Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Develop strong relationships to colleagues and make full use of the professional development opportunities the campus has to offer. The CFE provides services specifically tailored to faculty members new to Carolina and those in their first five years at UNC. Or come see us to develop an individual development plan.

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midLacking a defining beginning or ending, the long mid-career stretch has unique challenges for faculty. You are no longer a new faculty member, but are not (yet) in a senior role. Staying engaged, moving forward, and trying out fresh ideas or new approaches are major challenges for mid-career faculty. At the same time, this period offers great opportunities to refine your teaching repertoire, take risks and collaborate with colleagues within and beyond the borders of your discipline, or develop leadership skills. Use this page as a guide to explore what the CFE has to offer at this stage of your career, or come see us for an individual development plan.

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The Center for Faculty Excellence helps senior faculty develop the knowledge and skills to successfully carry out their leadership and organizational responsibilities. As a senior faculty member, you are an indispensable resource for educating and mentoring your colleagues. At the same time, you want to make sure to gain fresh ideas, expose yourself to new challenges, and continue to grow your leadership and mentoring abilities. Or come see us to develop an individual development plan.

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Graduate students and Post-Doctoral Fellows make important contributions to the teaching and research excellence at Carolina. This often requires juggling different roles and tasks such as developing rapport with students, overcoming public speaking anxieties, balancing flexibility and authority, developing a strong command of the material, and advancing one’s role in the field through networking and scholarly contributions. Explore our offerings for graduate students and post-docs such as Future Faculty Fellowship Program, Workshops for Instructors on Record, New TA Orientation.

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