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ITS and CFE invite you for a series of online interactive presentations by ELI Course: From Courses to Colleges to Campus: How to Evaluate Online Teaching for Your Whole Campus

When evaluating online teaching, colleges and universities often start by locating or creating a rating form. This is one of the last steps—not the first—in designing an effective evaluation of online teaching. Before we know what online-course activities and behaviors we will measure, we must take a holistic perspective and address context-specific factors that will shape the evaluation process.

During this ELI course, participants

  • examine evaluation examples from their own and colleagues’ campuses;
  • evaluate sample online courses;
  • design a custom evaluation instrument;
  • play the role of students rating online teaching; and
  • apply best practices in self-, peer-, and administrative-evaluation of online teaching.


February 17, Wilson Library Room 304, 1pm-2:30pm

February 24, Wilson Library Room 304, 1pm-2:30pm

March 2, Wilson Library Room 318, 1pm-2:30pm

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