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In 2018 the Provost convened a new faculty-led group that advises the Classroom Policy Steering Committee on the implementation of the 5-year Flexible Learning Spaces Initiative. The Classrooms Modernization Advisory Group provides input on a variety of related issues including key classroom design decisions, faculty development opportunities, and departmental outreach. The group meets on an as-needed basis.

CMAG Membership

Susan Bickford, Political Science (Chair)
Carribeth Bliem, Chemistry
Lois Boynton, School of Media and Journalism
Duane Deardorff, Physics and Astronomy
Helyne Frederick, School of Education
Linda Green, Mathematics
Devin Hubbard, Biomedical Engineering
Anu Joy, Undergraduate Student Representative
Miguel La Serna, History
Gidi Shemer, Biology
Austin Snyder, Undergraduate Student Representative


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