Feedback, Testimonials, Evaluation
Comments about the Faculty Administrator Development Program (FADP):
- Better understanding of how the university operates and who/what department to contact with questions
- Offers various resources that are available to aid with administrative development
- FADP is a good source of information and contacts
- Great exposure to colleagues and campus resources and networking
From Focus Group
- “As I go down the list [of speakers], they all were really great resources for me to know about.”
- “[The] wide range of areas [covered in FADP] is going to be beneficial to different people at different times.”
From the Survey 2017
- “I especially enjoyed brainstorming and sharing with others in the same position I am in. …I also found the session on developing myself as a leader useful.”
- “I learned about aspects of UNC that I did not even know I needed to know about!”
- “I enjoyed the camaraderie and the exposure to aspects of campus life with which I had little familiarity.”
- “The connections to all the people we met are tremendously beneficial though.”
- “Meeting colleagues across the university who are experiencing similar on-boarding issues in their new roles [was an important benefit of participating in FADP].”
From the Survey 2016
- “Great opportunity to network. Great resources- if you had a specific question, you could get linked to a resource.”
- “Interactions with other participants and guest speakers is a unique opportunity that cannot be replicated by our day-to-day experiences.”
- “I appreciated understanding more about the campus operations and how the divisions work together. Having contact information and knowing the functional areas I can contact in the future was helpful.”
- “I think the greatest benefit I took from this wonderful experience was hearing that others in a diversity of disciplines were having similar issues with administrative juggling, personnel issues, red tape, etc. Not only was this cathartic, but the discussions brought different perspectives to the issues, showing which tend to be systemic, which tend to be human, and which necessitate fixing versus simply living through.”
- “I learned a lot more about my personal leadership style and the leadership styles of others. I had an opportunity to learn about important resources at UNC Chapel Hill (including the CFE), and I was able to meet and get to know colleagues in other disciplines.”