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Center for Faculty Excellence

Time Away From Work — Coverage of Responsibilities

I. Policy

Staff at the Center for Faculty Excellence (CFE) have the responsibility of developing a plan for securing coverage for meetings, consultations, programs, and any other responsibilities requiring coverage when away from work.

Vacation, Bonus, and Sick Leave are requested and taken as per University policies.

All business or professional travel must support the mission of the University of North Carolina, receive the appropriate approvals, and be carefully planned to ensure that expenditures are necessary, prudent, and as economical as possible.

II. Purpose

Staff at the Center for Faculty Excellence may take time away from work for a variety of reasons including personal, family, and professional activities, as well as other non-work related interests and obligations. The purpose of this policy is to maintain consistent coverage for all responsibilities requiring coverage when away from work, and for close communication in planning staff-related programs and meetings.

III. Procedure

The scheduling of a CFE staff member’s time away from work requires the CFE staff member to, in advance of the time away, complete the attached form and submit it to the Director of the Center for Faculty Excellence for approval. In addition to completing the attached form, the staff member must inform any other individuals who have a need to know of the time away and who are responsible for the coverage of the staff member’s responsibilities. The CFE staff member taking time away will also arrange for communication of absence to others outside the CFE who seek contact, using voicemail away messages and email automatic replies that direct callers and others attempting to contact the staff member to appropriate assistance.

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