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In its classical sense, research is experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of facts, revision of accepted theories in the light of new facts, and practical application of new or revised theories.  However, this conceptualization and its associated methods do not capture all that is research.  Research is a way of coming to know, whether formalized in the rigor of the scientific method, careful or diligent searching for information about a specific subject, or systematic inquiry or examination.  Research approaches include surveys, focus groups, mining of archives and databases, the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL), and more.  Each research endeavor begins with a question that is answered through creative thinking, application of appropriate methods, collaboration, successful funding, technical savvy, compliance with regulations, ethical practice, and impactful publishing and presentation.

The Center for Faculty Excellence aims to support the diverse research endeavors across campus through its programming and network of collaborators and campus resources.

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