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Tablet Chairs on Casters

Furniture and configuration

Soft casters make tablet arm seats easier to move. Seats swivel from right to left off center to encourage eye contact. Desktop surfaces are larger than most traditional tablet arm seats and can be adjusted to fit different student body types and preferences.

What works best in this classroom?

intclass-tabletchairs-thumbThis design facilitates movement between lecture, class discussion, and small group activities during a course or recitation section.  Re-arrangement of desks is easier and less noisy; most students do not need to get up out of the chairs in order to move them.  The ease with which the seats can be reconfigured may also help discourage Honor Code violations during in-class assessments.

“…what was nice for me is that they could get in their groups more efficiently and more quietly.”

“It is a lot easier [to do group activities]; you don’t have to pick them up or push them and have that annoying sound it makes.  I think my professor has more group activities now.”

UNC classrooms using this design

The University now supports several dozen of these classrooms. To learn more about them, visit the ITS Classroom Hotline search page and search on Flexible Classrooms under the Interactivity section.

How can I schedule one of these classrooms?

Ask the scheduling officer for your academic unit to request a classroom through the University Registrar’s Scheduling Office.

Learn more

Please contact Bob Henshaw ( if you have any questions.
