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7th center for faculty excellence faculty showcase on teaching


8AM – 4PM

Alumni Hall I, II, III

Virtual reality demonstrations begin at 8am and run throughout the day.
See this video on how VR is already being used at UNC!

Coffee and light refreshments will be available throughout the morning.

9:05am – 9:55am: CONCURRENT SESSIONS I

Alumni Hall I
Teaching in Challenging Times

How do educators address politics, values, and topics such as race, gender, sexuality, and disparities with students? This session incorporates techniques for including challenging topics in class, and for managing discussions that become charged, as participants navigate the intersections of their personal and professional identities.

Kia Caldwell, African, African American, and Diaspora Studies
Jennifer Ho, English and Comparative Literature
Erin Malloy, Center for Faculty Excellence, School of Medicine

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pdf icon Handout

Facilitator: Emily Boehm, CFE

Royall Room
Beyond the Standard Course Evaluation: Effective Peer Evaluation Models

Many academic units are exploring peer-based observation options to inform both promotion/tenure decisions and continuous teaching improvement. Join us for a discussion about challenges and opportunities associated with these efforts.

Alain Aguilar, Exercise and Sports Science
Ron Bergquist, School of Information and Library Science
Angela Broome, School of Dentistry
Li-ling Hsiao, Asian Studies

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pdf icon Handout

Facilitator: Kelly Hogan, Biology

Peebles Room
Technology Tools Roundup

Learn about some of the latest instructional tools and how panel presenters are using them. Many of these tools are, or will soon be, supported on campus and available at no cost to faculty and students.

Duane Deardorff & Jen Weinberg-Wolf, Physics and Astronomy
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Mara Evans, Biology
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Hosun Kim & Anastacia Kohl, Romance Studies
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Todd Ochoa, Religious Studies
Viji Sathy, Psychology and Neuroscience
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Danielle Zurcher, Chemistry
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pdf icon Tech Tools Handout

Facilitator: Matt Osment, OASIS

10:05am – 10:55am: CONCURRENT SESSIONS II

Alumni Hall I
Using Student Data to Advance the University’s Teaching Mission

How are structural changes to courses impacting student performance? Which of our diverse student populations are benefiting? Join us for a discussion about how new data sources are changing the way we approach instructional improvement.

Kevin Guskiewicz, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences
Marc Cohen, English and Comparative Literature
Patrick Conway, Economics
Kelly Hogan, Biology
Abigail Panter, CAS, Psychology and Neuroscience

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pdf icon Handout

Facilitator: Abigail Panter, CAS, Psychology and Neuroscience

Royall Room
Strategies for Effective Group Activities

Research shows that students learn more when they interact with peers, but what makes a group activity effective? Come prepared to share your own ideas and questions during this session!

Anna Krome-Lukens, Public Policy
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Nikki Lobczowski, School of Education
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pdf icon Handout
Emily Moorefield, School of Medicine
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George Pink, Gillings School of Global Public Health
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Facilitator: Emily Boehm, CFE

Peebles Room
X Reality: Blurring the Line Between Digital and Physical Environments

Enhanced and immersive digital environments are making it possible for students to engage in learning experiences that may not be feasible or cost-effective to replicate in physical settings. This session features three innovative campus projects.

Kurt Gilliland & Ed Kernick, School of Medicine
Rob Hubal, Eshelman School of Pharmacy
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Steven King, School of Media and Journalism
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Facilitator: Brian Moynihan, University Libraries
pdf icon What is XR?
pdf icon Handout

11:05am – 11:40am: CONCURRENT SESSIONS III

Alumni Hall I
Plagiarism Deterrent Tools: Punitive to Pedagogical

UNC has been evaluating two plagiarism deterrent tools with an eye towards campus adoption in the near future. This panel discussion will explore different perspectives on its appropriate use.

Deb Aikat, School of Media and Journalism
Daniel Anderson, English and Comparative Literature
Rachel Penton, Psychology and Neuroscience
Gigi Taylor, Writing Center

pdf icon Writing Center Resources

Facilitators: Suzanne Cadwell, ITS Teaching and Learning; Andy Lang, OASIS

Royall Room
Best Practices in Online Course Design

Join us for this discussion about how to meet the increasing demand for online course offerings. Learn about best practices when designing online courses, common issues faced by faculty and how you can improve the online experience for your students.

Paul Wollf, The Carolina Office for Online Learning
Recorded Presentation
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pdf icon Resources

Facilitator: Phil Edwards, CFE

Peebles Room
Engaging Students Through Instructional Simulations

Instructional simulations allow students to learn more about behavioral models by engaging in them through role play. Learn how faculty members are putting this technique to use in their classrooms.

Lewis Lampiris, School of Dentistry
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Jay Levy, Gillings School of Global Public Health
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Facilitator: Doug James, CFE

Alumni Hall I, II, III

All participants will be entered for a chance to win prizes.

12:40pm: Provost’s Remarks

Remarks by Provost Robert A. Blouin

1:00pm: Keynote Address

Dr. Joy Gaston Gayles

“Teaching Diverse Students in the 21st Century: Strategies for Creating Inclusive Learning Environments”

Today’s college students are more diverse than ever before in the history of higher education. This keynote address will share strategies for maximizing student learning and creating environments in which all students feel safe, supported, and encouraged to engage in the knowledge discovery process.

pdf icon Keynote Slides


Alumni Hall I
Teaching Demonstrations: Learning from the Students’ Perspective

A new format to the Faculty Showcase, attendees will play the part of curious students during demonstrations of three different interactive learning techniques.

Carol Durham, School of Nursing & Raheleh Tschoepe, Division of Occupational Therapy
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Megan Plenge, Geological Sciences
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Colin Wallace, Physics and Astronomy
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Facilitator: Emily Boehm, CFE

Royall Room
Designing Effective Writing Prompts

Learn about generalizable writing techniques and assignment ideas that you can use to help students 1) develop effective research questions, 2) write collaboratively, and 3) develop skills in digital communications.

Jennifer Larson, English and Comparative Literature
Hilary Lithgow, English and Comparative Literature
Courtney Rivard, English and Comparative Literature

powerpoint icon All Slides

Facilitator: Kim Abels, Writing Center

Peebles Room
Incorporating Student Research into Undergraduate Courses

Undergraduate research is an important goal of the Quality Enhancement Plan. Learn about methods, course formats, and campus support for developing research experiences for undergraduate students.

Troy Blackburn, Office of Undergraduate Research, EXSS
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Nita Eskew, Chemistry
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Glenn Hinson, Anthropology
Elizabeth Shank, Biology
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Facilitator: Nita Eskew, Chemistry

Alumni Hall I

Lightning Round: Steal-My-Idea!

A Showcase favorite, the Steal-My-Idea session features four participants who each briefly share a teaching method or tool they are excited about. You, the audience, will decide which idea is the most compelling!

Maureen Baker, School of Nursing
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Lorrie Cramer, School of Medicine
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Kris Jordan, Computer Science
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Suzanne Lye, Classics
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pdf icon Handout 1
pdf icon Handout 2

Facilitator: Phil Edwards, CFE

All participants will be entered for a chance to win prizes.

The Showcase will conclude with remarks from Dr. Erin Malloy, Director of the CFE.