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2015 faculty showcase promo

CFE’s 5th Faculty Showcase on Teaching at Carolina

Date: Friday, November 13, 2015

Time: 8:45 AM 2:45 PM

Location: The Carolina Club

Follow @unc_cfe and #FacShowUNC for updates

webimage3 (20x20) Twitter feed leading up to and during event

This is a great opportunity to learn about some of the exciting work that colleagues are doing in classrooms across campus, to pick up some ideas that you can apply to your own teaching, and to make some new connections with peers in other disciplines. Come for a session or the entire event!


8:15am 8:45am
and continental breakfast
(Alumni Hall II)

9:00am 9:50am: Concurrent Sessions I

Dowd-Harris Room Alumni I Royall Room
Apps/Web Tools Roundup 

Having trouble keeping up with the proliferation of new apps and web tools out there? Find out how Carolina instructors are using some of them to manage course media and assignments, communicate with students, and become less dependent on the classroom podium.

Gary Bishop, Computer Science  
Rich Goldberg, Biomedical Engineering 
Cheryl Moy, Chemistry  
Viji Sathy, Psychology and Neuroscience  
Anne Whisnant, American Studies/History
Handout on tools covered during session

The Testing Effect: Using Low-Stakes Assessments to Enhance Student Learning

Students are more likely to retain course information when they are asked to retrieve and apply it. Low-stakes testing is an effective method for retrieval practice. In this session, faculty members share their strategies for assigning frequent low-stakes assessments that can also be machine-graded.

Thomas Freeman, Chemistry
John Sweet, History
Ed Carlstein, Statistics and Operations Research

Constructing Student Learning Using Makerspaces and Liquid Galaxy 

Learn about how faculty members and librarians are teaching with two new campus resources with wide-ranging applications. Makerspaces provide the tools and support for making physical artifacts for teaching and scholarship. The Liquid Galaxy is a surround-screen immersive digital display in Davis Library’s Research Hub.

Rich Superfine, Physics and Astronomy 
Danianne Mizzy, Kenan Science Library Research Hub
Vladimir Ghukasyan, School of Medicine
pdfimageMakerspaces slides
Amanda Henley, University Library
Ashley Ward, Geography
webimage3 (20x20)
Liquid Galaxy slides

10:05am 10:55am: Concurrent Sessions II

Dowd-Harris Room Alumni I Royall Room
Assign More Writing – Without More Grading

Faculty members who would like to assign more writing in their courses often struggle to find time to provide effective feedback. This faculty panel will explore examples of assignments that promote writing but minimize formal faculty grading roles.

Flora Cassen, History 
Jordynn Jack, English and Comparative Literature
Kim Abels and Vicki Behrens, UNC Writing Center

What’s Working Well in Course Redesign 

Not sure what a high-structure class is? Interested in learning more about the “flipped” classroom? Join us as Kelly Hogan, Director of Instructional Innovation for the College of Arts and Sciences, and Julee Waldrop, co-editor of a new book titled Flipping the College Classroom, discuss promising course redesign methods based on their own work and the work of other faculty members at UNC-CH and elsewhere.

Kelly Hogan, Biology
pdfimage Slides
Julee Waldrop, School of Nursing
pdfimage Slides

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning: Charting a Path to Publication 

Much of the exciting work that Carolina faculty members are doing to improve student learning in their own courses may be of interest to a broader audience. This panel, moderated by keynote speaker Mary Huber, will explore options for faculty members interested in preparing their findings for publication and presentation.

Linda Green, Mathematics
Rita Balaban and Donna Gilleskie, Economics
Steve Buzinski, Psychology and Neuroscience
Jenna Clark, Psychology and Neuroscience

11:10am 12:00pm: Keynote address
(Alumni I and II)

Building an Academic Commons through the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning” by Dr. Mary Huber

One of the most remarkable developments in higher education in recent years has been the emergence of an academic commons in which the intellectual work of teaching is shared, critiqued, and built upon. This presentation will focus on the contributions of the scholarship of teaching and learning to the growth of this public space for pedagogical exchange. What is needed to keep this new academic commons inviting, productive, and vital? How do we build, support, and sustain the communities of colleagues engaged in this work?

Announcements and Prize Giveaway*

12:00pm 12:45pm: Lunch
(Alumni I and II)

Concurrent Sessions III: 12:50pm 1:40pm

Dowd-Harris Room Alumni I Royall Room
Reflection on Teaching: Approaches to Course Evaluation 

Many instructors look to the University’s standard course evaluation instrument for feedback on their teaching. This session will explore other options for reflecting on teaching practice, and will also include an update on new directions for the standard course evaluation instrument.

Mara Evans, Biology
pdfimage Evans – Mid-Semester Interviews

Adam Persky, Eschelman School of Pharmacy
James Thompson, English and Comparative Literature, Office of Undergraduate Education
Viji Sathy, Psychology, Office of Undergraduate Education

All Together Now: Ideas for Successful Group Activities 

Faculty members are experimenting with a variety of in-class activities to break up lectures and engage students. Many of the ideas featured in this session can be adopted across a wide range of disciplines.

Amy Chambless, Romance Studies
Ideas for Groupwork
Rich Saver, Law School
Desiree Griffin, Neuroscience and Psychology
Activity description
Activity FAQ

Role-Play and Simulations in the Classroom 

Simulations and role-play can serve as effective techniques for evaluating and developing students’ decision-making and interpersonal skills. Find out how two Carolina faculty members have implemented this authentic assessment method in their courses.

Neal Caren, Sociology
Vaughn Upshaw, School of Government

1:50pm 2:35pm: StealMyIdeaSession (plus Audience Voting)
(Alumni I)

During our inaugural Steal-My-Idea Session, four enthusiastic faculty members each have 5 minutes to introduce one promising enhancement of their teaching that they find exciting. Which presenter makes the most compelling pitch? You, the audience, will decide.

Faculty Members:
Robin Cunningham, Statistics and Operations Research
Leigh Hall, School of Education
Chris Jones, Mathematics
Blaire Steinwand, Biology

2:35pm 2:45pm: Prize Giveaway* and closing remarks
(Alumni I)




*All participants will be entered for a chance to win an iPad, GoPro Camera, or other great prizes. Must be present to win.


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Contact Bob Henshaw ( for more information
