Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Initiative
Sharing their intellectual passion with students around the globe, a select group of Carolina faculty have participated in the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) initiative. In spring 2013, faculty began developing free online courses for anyone with Internet access, anywhere in the world, and regardless of educational background. During the initiative’s inaugural year, members of the CFE’s teaching and learning team provided key support for both course and faculty development.
The CFE hosted an open forum on MOOCs in September 2013, during which top campus leaders explained Carolina’s involvement in MOOCs; faculty members shared their experiences of teaching MOOCs and discussed their broader implications.
The CFE continues to explore how understanding students’ communication and learning behaviors in an open, online, and massive learning environment can yield benefits for residential and online courses with smaller enrollments.
Carolina’s MOOC program is coordinated by the William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education. To learn more about MOOCs at Carolina, visit the Friday Center’s website.