Teaching in Challenging Times
This year, instructors will be returning to the classroom following a tumultuous spring semester and summer. Difficult circumstances on campus, nationally, and globally may personally and directly affect some students and how they show up in your classes. The CFE is sharing asynchronous resources and hosting events to help you meet the challenges of the semester ahead. We will continue to add more opportunities and information, so be sure to check back here as the year unfolds.
Resources for Teaching in Challenging Times
Below are asynchronous resources created by the CFE Teaching & Learning team to support instructors preparing for and teaching during challenging times.
Preparing for and Beginning the Semester
Preparing for the Start of the Semester
Generating Classroom Commitments
Tip Sheets for Teaching in Challenging Times
Creating Space for Immediate Reflection
Providing a Basis for Common Understanding
Ongoing Support
What to Do For Yourself – Tips for Taking Care of Yourself During Challenging Times
Conversations on Teaching in Challenging Times
We will offer one-hour sessions every other week for building peer support networks, sharing ideas and discussing how instructors are teaching during this challenging time. Each session will begin with a brief introduction from presenters on strategies to facilitate challenging conversations in the classroom. CFE staff and faculty members from across campus with relevant expertise will co-facilitate these sessions.
Support doesn’t end here. We’ll use these sessions to listen, support, and identify additional resources and development we can provide to create to support faculty now and moving forward.
Register here to attend any or all of these sessions. We will be meeting every other week on alternating Wednesdays and Thursdays at 12:15 PM – 1:15 PM. Join when you can, as you can, in-person in 304 Wilson Library or via Zoom.
Meeting Dates:
- September 5
- September 18
- October 3
- October 16
- October 31
- November 7
- November 20
- December 5
If you would like additional support, please reach out to the CFE directly at cfe@unc.edu or schedule a consultation with a CFE team member.