To Our University Community
The UNC Center for Faculty Excellence condemns the ongoing racism and acts of violence against Black people across our nation. We see the profound stress, grief, fear, sadness, anger, and frustration within our campus, our town, our state, and our country. We join the Carolina community in our commitment to support faculty and others on campus who are working tirelessly to bring healing, equity, and justice.
The CFE mission as UNC-Chapel Hill’s pan-university faculty development center is to enable faculty members in all disciplines to reach their goals in teaching, research, leadership, and mentoring throughout their careers. The CFE will continue to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in all of its faculty development efforts.
We strive to build community and to create an environment where faculty feel supported and valued. We are here for you. We are listening. We support you.
– CFE Faculty and Staff, Summer 2020
Update: Conversation with TEAM ADVANCE
In June 2020, TEAM ADVANCE hosted a special webinar conversation on Anti-Blackness, White Privilege, and Allyship.Targeting Equity in Access to Mentoring (TEAM) ADVANCE (NSF Award 1760187) promotes accessible, equitable, and effective mentoring across the University, with emphasis on supporting women of color and white women in STEM fields. TEAM ADVANCE offers regular programming to promote these goals. Stay tuned for future conversations.