CFE Links
This page contains web forms designed to streamline various processes at the CFE. The forms are very straightforward, but please contact your communications team members with any questions that arise.
The Event Support Request Form goes straight to your communications team members. This form includes any Social Media post, Calendar posting, or Featured section of home page addition requested for an event (no need to fill out additional forms!).
The Website Edit Request Form streamlines the process of asking for website page changes. If you’ve noticed something on one of your pages that isn’t quite right or have a completely new page you would like added to the CFE website, this form sends those details to the communications team.
The Social Media Submission Form allows you to send content you would like to see in an upcoming Twitter post (not already included in an event form).
The Newsletter Submission Form allows you to send content for inclusion in the next newsletter (if you did not already include in an Event Support Request form). You may also request a special announcement if time is of the essence.