Excellence in Faculty Diversity and Inclusion
The CFE is committed to the University’s aspiration to support a mutually respectful intellectual environment in which diversity and inclusion are valued. Inclusive teaching practices, exploration of effective mentoring practices, promotion of research, and leadership development to address disparities depends on effective partnerships. The partnerships featured in the CFE’s Excellence in Diversity and Inclusion initiative model inclusive practices that embrace the diverse community at Carolina, where people share their social and cultural backgrounds, economic circumstances, personal characteristics, philosophical perspectives, and life experiences. For more information, please contact us at cfe@unc.edu.
National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity
The CFE is proud to co-sponsor the University’s institutional membership in the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity (NCFDD), along with the College of Arts and Sciences, Postdoctoral Affairs in the Office of the Vice-Chancellor for Research, and the Office of Diversity and Inclusion. The NCFDD provides a wealth of resources, webinars, courses, weekly faculty development tips, and more, immediately accessible through its website, at no charge to UNC faculty members.
Claim Your NCFDD Membership:
- Access the National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity.
- Click the “Become a Member” box.
- Under the “Select your institution” prompt, select University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
- Click “Continue”
- On the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill page, click on “Activate My Membership”
- Complete the registration form and follow the instructions
Inclusive Teaching at Carolina
Unstructured learning environments can lead to unfairness, feelings of exclusion, and collisions of students’ cultural backgrounds with the learning environment. Adding structure to learning environments can mitigate unfairness, promote feelings of inclusion, and promote student success. CFE supports faculty in teaching and learning endeavors in many ways. Drs. Kelly Hogan and Viji Sathy’s work in inclusive teaching and learning environments has been shared through CFE-sponsored workshops and resources.
Structure an Inclusive Classroom
Teaching in Challenging Times Workshop
The CFE’s Teaching in Challenging Times workshop series grew out of a collaboration with faculty in the College of Arts and Sciences. The workshops provide opportunities for faculty and graduate students to reflect and discuss their approaches to managing class discussions around politics or other topics such as race, gender, sexuality, and disparities, using current events as catalysts for active learning. The aim is to facilitate discussion on sensitive and complex topics that arise in the classroom. Each workshop introduces techniques that instructors can use when teaching challenging themes.
Resources for Diversity and Inclusion
The CFE maintains a collection of resources to promote diversity and inclusion, including essays, articles, and other background information for teaching and discussions on race, sexuality, gender, disparities, and politics. The content is updated periodically.