Design Your Courses
Design Your Courses
The CFE is helping faculty members think about how current research on learning can help them transform their teaching in courses of any size. CFE staff help faculty members redesign their courses to provide regular and effective feedback for students, rich opportunities for students to interact with their peers, and class time for learning activities interspersed throughout lecture time.
In addition to working with individual faculty members, the CFE also works with departments to help them reach their curricular goals, such as revamping introductory courses to promote student interest in the disciplinary major or re-envisioning courses adversely impacted by budgetary constraints.
Resources for faculty members interested in redesigning a large-enrollment course are available through the CFE Large Course Redesign Program. They include personal consultations, free accounts for Poll Everywhere, the faculty peer visits program, large course redesign grants, workshops, and assessment support.
Course Design Institute
The CFE Course Design Institute (CDI) is a structured sequence of workshops, activities, and working sessions held over a 3-day period (12 hours overall) where a small cohort of instructors–generally between six and eight participants–are immersed in backward design approaches for developing their courses.
Equity in Teaching Institute
The Equity in Teaching Institute (EqTI) takes place over two days from 9am-5pm. During those two days, we will reflect on who our students are, how our courses can equitably meet our students’ needs, and what equity in teaching means to us.
Large Course Redesign
The CFE Large Course Redesign Initiative supports faculty members interested in implementing changes to a large enrollment course in order to improve student engagement and learning outcomes.
Inclusive Teaching
In keeping with the University’s commitment to teach a diverse community of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students at one of the world’s great research universities, the UNC Center for Faculty Excellence is proud to advance a culture of inclusive excellence in our classrooms and on our campus.
Flexible Learning Spaces Initiative
The Flexible Learning Spaces Initiative (FLSI) is a multi-year plan to update classrooms so that they support a wider variety of instructional methods. It also features support to help faculty, graduate instructors, and students make the most of them.
CFE – Lenovo Instructional Innovation Grants
Part of the University’s longtime partnership with Lenovo, this grant program supports instructional innovation on campus.