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“I believe I am much more conscious of the challenges facing First Generation College Students.”

Course: Personal Health

Department: Exercise and Sport Science


I believe I am much more conscious of the specific challenges facing First Generation College Students at UNC. I made a point several times during the semester to identify myself as First Generation College Student (FGCS) and to encourage any FGCS in my course to meet with me for discussions in my office or in other venues on campus. When teaching application of fundamental principles, I also brought in discussion examples that should have aided those students in relating to the materials.

Course Description

This course focuses on using the 7 dimensions of wellness (physical, psychological, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental and occupational) to make decisions related to all aspects of personal health. This requires personal reflection inside and outside of the classroom and group interaction in the classroom.

The typical enrollment is between 70 and 100 students, depending on the classroom where I am assigned. This is a 100 level course where the majority of students are Juniors and Seniors from virtually all majors.

Projected Design Elements

-Technology enhancements
-Active engagement strategies
-Flipped classroom

Incorporated Design Elements

Overall, I met my redesign goals. I revised the topical outline for the course: instituted interactive tools to facilitate discussion and check comprehension; revised out-of-class small projects; implemented pre-class readings, quizzes, and in-class catalytics; and flipped the classroom 3x per semester.

Program: Finish Line Project

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