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Setting the Stage for an Engaged Semester

How can educators help students remain engaged and enthusiastic about learning – and do so without compromising their own well-being? In this interactive workshop, participants discuss concrete practices for the first day(s) of class that promote a positive learning environment … Read more

Creating an Inclusive Syllabus

The syllabus is often the first point of contact between your students and your course. How can you ensure that this important document is inviting, not discouraging? In this session, we’ll review strategies to make your syllabus more welcoming, transparent, … Read more

Teaching and Learning Office Hours

Teaching & Learning CFE team members will provide drop-in office hours around start-of-semester topics, including generative AI questions, syllabus construction, LMS use, first day plans, etc. You can attend in-person at the CFE or via Zoom.   Learn more and … Read more