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Course Design Institute Application Deadline

Registration is open for the next CFE Course Design Institute on March 13, 14, and 15, which will be held from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM on Zoom. Join other colleagues to learn about backward design and to develop your course … Read more

Conversations on Teaching: AI and ChatGPT

  ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) model that generates written content based on a natural language prompt. Since launching last Fall, faculty across higher education have engaged in discussions to consider the impact on how they teach and how … Read more

Faculty Showcase on Teaching

We are putting together an exciting program featuring diverse instructors speaking about a wide range of timely topics. Register and mark your calendar for the 9th Faculty Showcase on Teaching on March 23 (via Zoom) and March 24 (at the Carolina Club).   Contact Emily Boehm with any questions.

Faculty Showcase on Teaching

We are putting together an exciting program featuring diverse instructors speaking about a wide range of timely topics. Register and mark your calendar for the 9th Faculty Showcase on Teaching on March 23 (via Zoom) and March 24 (at the Carolina Club).   Contact Emily Boehm with any questions.

Last Chance! Join a CFE Summer Writing Group

Register by April 27th to join Carolina colleagues in the CFE Summer Writing Groups (SWG). Now in its 10th year, this program brings together faculty from all disciplines and career stages into small peer groups that meet regularly throughout the … Read more

Lunch, Craft, Learn: CFE-BeAM Wellness Break

Making time for a mental health break can be challenging, but it’s important to recharge every day. Research suggests that crafting, like knitting, contributes to well-being in adults and that some types of crafting, such as doodling, can help with … Read more