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Lunch, Craft, Learn: CFE-BeAM Wellness Break

Making time for a mental health break can be challenging, but it’s important to recharge every day. Research suggests that crafting, like knitting, contributes to well-being in adults and that some types of crafting, such as doodling, can help with … Read more

Teaching and Learning Office Hours

Teaching & Learning CFE team members will provide drop-in office hours around start-of-semester topics, including generative AI questions, syllabus construction, LMS use, first day plans, etc. You can attend in-person at the CFE or via Zoom.   Learn more and … Read more

Meet the CFE (Lunch provided)

111 Carroll Hall

Connect with new colleagues, meet CFE staff, and learn more about the programs, resources, and services at the Center for Faculty Excellence offers.

What’s Your Plan? Charting Your Faculty Course at Carolina

111 Carroll Hall

An interactive workshop to help new faculty develop a networking and mentoring plan, identify potential mentors, understand how to use individual development plans, and set goals in support of their career development.

Introduction to Teaching at Carolina

An interactive session to orient new faculty to teaching at Carolina, including introducing resources and sharing an overview of key partners across campus.

If I Knew Then What I Know Now (Panel; Coffee provided)

111 Carroll Hall

Hear from a panel of early-career faculty who have come to Carolina in the last 5 years about what they wish they had known when first starting – and what they have learned along the way.

Gradescope at Carolina

Gradescope is Carolina’s tool to administer and grade online or digitized paper-based homework, quizzes, and exams with open-ended or multiple-choice questions. This session explores how faculty can use Gradescope to effectively administer exams, grade, and deliver feedback to students in … Read more