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What’s Your Plan? Building an Individual Plan for Success at Carolina

Zoom NC, United States

Part of Faculty Foundations 2020 This interactive workshop is essential for all new faculty, providing a foundation for setting career goals, creating your individual development plan, and identifying mentoring support at Carolina. Time will also be dedicated to planning for … Read more

Listening Effectively: Faculty Leadership Foundational Skills

Zoom NC, United States

Part of Faculty Foundations 2020 We often listen to reply not to understand. What are the leadership strategies to improve your active listening skills? We will use a Listening Assessment Tool from the Center for Creative Leadership to review your … Read more

It Takes a Network: Creating Your Mentoring Plan

Zoom NC, United States

Part of Faculty Foundations 2020 Finding the perfect mentor can be challenging. Research increasingly points to the value of creating a network of mentors that can provide comprehensive support for faculty. But where to begin? In this interactive workshop, participants … Read more