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Intro to Teaching In Sakai

House Undergraduate Library, room 034 NC, United States

Sakai is the University’s centrally-supported online learning management system where you can share your course content with your students. This session will give you an introduction to some of the commonly used tools to upload your syllabus, resources, and communicate … Read more

Flexible Learning Spaces Open House

Gardner Hall, room 209

Visit one of the classrooms renovated recently under the Flexible Learning Spaces Initiative! Stop by and chat with instructors who have taught in these spaces, as well as instructional support staff from several campus organizations. This casual event is a … Read more

Advanced Sakai and Teaching Online: Carolina Office for Online Learning

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Do you teach a course online or are you interested in teaching a course online? Are you trying to do something in Sakai that you can’t quite figure out? Want to see some examples of well-structured online courses? Drop by … Read more

Introduction to Teaching in a Flexible Learning Space

Peabody 220

Designed to help faculty take advantage of the newly renovated classrooms, this workshop provides attendees a brief background on the new furniture and other changes. Then, we’ll model a few practical teaching techniques that can be easily implemented in any … Read more

Intro to Teaching in Sakai

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Thinking of teaching in Sakai for the first time or need a refresher? Join us at the Intro to Teaching in Sakai crash course at Wilson Library, Room 304! This workshop is intended to help you with: Becoming familiar with … Read more

OHRE/IRB Overview

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

A brief overview of the history of human subject research through case studies, understanding basic principles for ethical conduct, and navigating IRB submissions and when the unexpected occurs in your research at UNC.

Getting Started with Poll Everywhere

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

In-class polling can be used to address a wide range of instructional goals, including idea generation, discussion prompts, and formative assessment. Whether you are new to Poll Everywhere, or are simply looking for a refresher, we will cover some of … Read more

Using Mid-Semester Feedback to Adjust Your Teaching

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Curious about students’ impressions of your course and their interactions with you? Open to making feedback-informed changes to your teaching in order to enhance student learning for the rest of the semester? All participants will be provided with sample mid-semester … Read more

Introduction to Teaching in a Flexible Learning Space

Murray G205

Designed to help faculty take advantage of the newly renovated classrooms, this workshop provides attendees a brief background on the new furniture and other changes. Then, we’ll model a few practical teaching techniques that can be easily implemented in any … Read more

Best Practices for Small Group Activities

Peabody 220

Using small group activities during class presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. In this workshop, we will generate examples of potential group work and projects that fit course goals, and reflect on how the instructor’s role changes using … Read more