Generative AI Grants – Communities of Practice
Generative AI Grants – Communities of Practice
Grants awarded under this category support departments and faculty members interested in coordinating and leading opportunities for faculty, students, or staff to come together and learn more about disciplinary instructional AI uses and issues. Many instructors have not yet had time to explore these new AI-enabled tools and would benefit from hearing from colleagues who have. All of us are grappling with pedagogical, ethical, privacy and other issues related to generative AI that have no clear answers.
Note that these grants are intended to serve as matching or supplemental funds; larger, more ambitious events or initiatives may require some investment on the part of the academic unit.
Examples include:
- Hosting a regular meeting (e.g., faculty learning community, lunch and learn) within your department to discuss the instructional use of generative AI.
- Putting together a faculty panel or inviting a guest speaker to present on one or more aspects of teaching and learning with generative AI.
- Offering a workshop on disciplinary uses of generative AI for your department.
- Purchasing access to a specific generative AI tool(s) for some number of departmental faculty and asking those instructors to share their findings with peers.
- Putting together a department-hosted meeting for majors to discuss generative AI and best practices putting it to use.
Grant Information
- Grant amount: $500
- Funds may be used for salary support for facilitators, facilitation materials, books, software, speaker stipends or event refreshments.
- Again, academic units are expected to supplement these grants for larger events that they may be interested in hosting (e.g., speaker and lunch for fifty).
- Intended audience may be within a department or across a broader discipline or multiple disciplines.
- For proposals that involve a regular meeting
- Meetings should take place and/or begin no later than the Fall 2024 semester.
- Groups should meet at least 4-6 times over the course of the academic year.
- The proposal due date has been extended to Monday, May 6 at 5pm. Download the grant application (MS Word).
- Applicants will be notified about decisions before Commencement.
Evaluation Criteria
- Confirming some degree of interest among the target audience (e.g., via departmental email or poll during faculty meeting) will be helpful.
- Impact (e.g., number of potential participants)
- Funded projects represent a diverse range of disciplines.