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Generative AI Grants – Scholarship of Teaching and Learning


This category of grant supports faculty members interested in conducting a systematic inquiry on some aspect of generative AI used to support student learning and sharing those results through peer-reviewed channels. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) is a term used to denote a scholarly focus on improving teaching and learning in higher education. Proposed projects can have a narrow disciplinary focus or be more generalizable.


  • Evaluate the effectiveness of AI-generated instructional materials.
  • Examine and compare the effectiveness of instructor-generated and AI-generated assessments.
  • Analyze how generative AI can provide timely and constructive feedback to students, aiding their learning process.
  • Explore the role of generative AI chatbots in supporting student inquiries, providing instant answers, and fostering a sense of connectedness.
  • Examine how generative AI can inspire creativity in students by generating novel ideas, art, or writing prompts.
  • Investigate collaborative learning environments where generative AI interacts with students and facilitates group discussions or problem-solving.

Grant information

  • Grant amount: Up to $5000, based on scope of proposal
  • Appropriate use funds: Salary support for PI and collaborators; licenses for software or online services; data analysis services; dissemination expenses (e.g., journal application fees, conference travel)

NOTE: Publication/presentation of project results may not happen for as many as two years or more; applicants who wish to use funds to support project dissemination expenses should set aside those funds for future use.

  • Multiple instructors can be part of a single proposal.
  • Interested faculty should be prepared to acquire any necessary permissions (e.g., IRB approval) to conduct their inquiries.
  • Intervention targeted for study should be implemented no later than the Spring 2025 semester.
  • Grant recipients are expected to work with the CFE to refine project timelines and proposed deliverables.
  • In the event that the project is not published or presented, the project PI will be expected to produce an open access white paper on their project and findings.
  • The proposal deadline has been extended to Monday, May 6, 2024 at 5pm. Download the application form (MS Word).
  • Applicants will be notified about final decisions before Commencement.

Proposal Review Criteria

  • Extent to which research question is clearly articulated.
  • Extent to which research question is consistent with the goals of the program.
  • Extent to which project is viable.
  • Extent to with applicant is familiar with existing literature on the topic.
  • Extent to which viable options for dissemination of study results have been identified.
  • Extent to which scope of proposal is consistent with funds requested.
  • Funded projects represent a diverse range of disciplines and topics.