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Teaching With Higher-Order Prompts


Developing good prompts for discussion, assignments, and exams can help push students to think critically and achieve higher-order learning objectives. This workshop will explore the characteristics of higher-order prompts and how to use them throughout your courses. Learning Objectives:  Practice … Read more

Conversations on Teaching

Zoom NC, United States

Conversations on Teaching sessions are loosely-structured, educator-driven, and solution-focused opportunities to help you persevere in your teaching throughout the semester. Come for a refreshing dialogue with other UNC-CH instructors, CFE consultants, and a rotating cast of invited guest contributors to learn from others' teaching experiences via Zoom.


Working With Animals at UNC-Chapel Hill

In this session, the UNC Office of Animal Care and Use will explain the animal care application process. New faculty and those who are new to animal work will learn where to find the necessary resources to get started with … Read more

Creating an Inclusive Syllabus


The syllabus is often the first point of contact between your students and your course. How can you ensure that this important document is inviting, not discouraging? In this session, we’ll review strategies to make your syllabus more welcoming, transparent, … Read more

Conversations on Teaching

Zoom NC, United States

Conversations on Teaching sessions are loosely-structured, educator-driven, and solution-focused opportunities to help you persevere in your teaching throughout the semester. Come for a refreshing dialogue with other UNC-CH instructors, CFE consultants, and a rotating cast of invited guest contributors to learn from others' teaching experiences via Zoom.


Maintaining Effective Communication in Supporting Graduate Student Mentees


Developing and maintaining effective communication skills is essential for mentoring relationships. This interactive workshop introduces different communication styles, skills for active listening, and best practices for planning and providing feedback. Through discussion, activities, and case examples, participants will reflect upon … Read more

Introduction to the Odum Institute and Its Services


Engaging the best consultation on research design, data analysis, and data management at the right time can mean the difference in securing funding and publishing your research. In this session, Odum staff provide a virtual introduction to their Institute and … Read more

Strategies for Making Large Classes Feel Smaller


Large enrollment courses are among the most challenging to teach. During this session, we’ll share ideas for creating engaging, inclusive, and scalable learning environments, regardless of your class size. In the midst of the University’s transition back to in-person instruction, … Read more

Conversations on Teaching

Zoom NC, United States

Conversations on Teaching sessions are loosely-structured, educator-driven, and solution-focused opportunities to help you persevere in your teaching throughout the semester. Come for a refreshing dialogue with other UNC-CH instructors, CFE consultants, and a rotating cast of invited guest contributors to learn from others' teaching experiences via Zoom.


Conversations on Teaching

Zoom NC, United States

Conversations on Teaching sessions are loosely-structured, educator-driven, and solution-focused opportunities to help you persevere in your teaching throughout the semester. Come for a refreshing dialogue with other UNC-CH instructors, CFE consultants, and a rotating cast of invited guest contributors to learn from others' teaching experiences via Zoom.
