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Survive and Thrive!: A ‘New’ TA Institute

Michael Hooker Research Center (MHRC) 0001 - Blue Cross and Blue Shield Auditorium 135 Dauer Drive, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Register for this Institute Survive and Thrive! As a graduate student, being assigned a Teaching Assistant role for the first time—or with an expanded set of TA responsibilities—can feel daunting. This 4-hour institute provides graduate students with functional skills central … Read more


Designing Effective Discussion Prompts

Dey 205

The effectiveness of in-class activities is closely linked to the appropriateness of the question or set of questions being asked. In this workshop, instructors will be introduced to strategies for developing effective question prompts. Concepts and techniques covered in this … Read more

Faculty Professional and Leadership Skills Development- Session Four

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Session Four Topic: Meeting Planning and Facilitation Faculty Professional and Leadership Skills Development Overview This open enrollment program targets faculty development and the leadership and professional skills necessary in academic roles that include teaching, research and service. The program welcomes … Read more

Best Practices for Small Group Activities

Kenan Labs 125

Using small group activities during class presents its own set of challenges and opportunities. In this workshop, we will generate examples of potential group work and projects that fit course goals, and reflect on how the instructor’s role changes using … Read more

Leadership Advanced Series – Influencing

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Program Description: Do you want to discover some of the leadership interpersonal skills that support effective ways and approaches to influence others? Knowing your style and others’ styles for influencing can offer leaders insights to the importance of cultivating relationships. … Read more

Leadership Development Fundamentals Program – Final Session

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Leadership Fundamentals (Nomination Required) Leadership Fundamentals is a cohort program for current, experienced or newly appointed leaders. It is focused on key leadership assessments and topics. Participants will learn leadership concepts and models, build specific skills, and practice mastery of … Read more

Leadership Development Fundamentals Program – Closing Celebration

Leadership Fundamentals (Nomination Required) Leadership Fundamentals is a cohort program for current, experienced or newly appointed leaders. It is focused on key leadership assessments and topics. Participants will learn leadership concepts and models, build specific skills, and practice mastery of … Read more

Leadership Advanced Series – Mentoring and Coaching

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Program Description: Are you wanting to develop your faculty and staff through both mentoring and coaching? Do you want to understand the difference between mentoring and coaching, and how to develop your coaching practices? Mentoring and Coaching Learning Objectives: Understand … Read more