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Using Student Feedback to Enhance Teaching and Learning

Rather than wait for end-of-course evaluations, faculty can collect and use student feedback throughout the semester to adjust their teaching. Join us on September 21 to learn about Classroom Assessment Techniques and other informal or formal ways to gather student … Read more

Pedagogies of Care and Compassion

During the pandemic, many instructors offered students flexibility and kindness that in the past may have been viewed as lenient or even indulgent: instructors relaxed late penalties, revised syllabi to be less punitive and more positive, and worked to recognize … Read more

Introduction to Gradescope: Scantron/Bubblesheets at UNC

Gradescope is UNC’s new tool to administer and grade online or digitized paper-based homework, quizzes, and exams with open-ended or multiple-choice questions. This session explores how faculty use Gradescope to effectively administer exams, grade, and deliver feedback to students in … Read more