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Using Mid-Semester Feedback to Adjust Your Teaching

Curious about students' impressions of your course and their interactions with you? Open to making feedback-informed adjustments to your teaching during the semester? We will help you decide when and how to solicit student feedback, what questions you might ask, … Read more


Strategies for Creating Inclusive and Welcoming Classroom Environments

Genome Sciences Building G010

Teaching strategies that emphasize structured active learning can create more equitable classrooms and improve learning for all students. Join Dr. Kelly Hogan and Dr. Viji Sathy for this active workshop on inclusive teaching. Drawing upon their own teaching experiences and … Read more

Introduction to Teaching in a Flexible Learning Space

Alumni 203

Designed to help faculty take advantage of the newly renovated classrooms, workshop attendees will get a brief background on the new furniture and other changes. The primary objective of the workshops will be to model a few practical teaching techniques … Read more

Introduction to Teaching in a Flexible Learning Space

Carolina Hall 213

Designed to help faculty take advantage of the newly renovated classrooms, workshop attendees will get a brief background on the new furniture and other changes. The primary objective of the workshops will be to model a few practical teaching techniques … Read more

Designing Effective Discussion Prompts

Dey 301

The effectiveness of in-class activities is closely linked to the appropriateness of the question or set of questions being asked. In this workshop, instructors will be introduced to strategies for developing effective question prompts. Concepts and techniques covered in this … Read more