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Overcoming the Tyranny of Content


This workshop introduces participants to a recent publication from Life Sciences Education and offers practical strategies for shifting away from a content-coverage model of course design in favor of devoting more class time to active learning. Learning objectives: Leverage evidence … Read more

Navigating the First Two Weeks of Class


This session uncovers practical strategies for engaging students, developing rapport, and communicating changes during the first several class meetings.

Getting Started with Poll Everywhere

Class polling is a popular student engagement tool used to seed discussion, promote applied thinking, and assess student understanding of course concepts. In this introductory workshop, participants will learn about strategies for developing effective poll assignments and will be introduced … Read more

Leading Controversial Conversations: Laying Ground Rules for Discussion

As liberal arts scholars, we embrace the controversial nature of human inquiry, and, as educators, we strive to prepare our students to engage in controversial issues competently and productively. Still, navigating controversy in the classroom remains an increasingly daunting challenge … Read more

Beyond Think-Pair-Share: 10 Strategies for In-Class Small Groups


In-class small group work can engage students with one another and course materials to enhance higher-order thinking, mastery of course concepts, diverse views, and deeper learning. Research shows that small-group learning improves academic achievement, relationships between classmates and faculty, and … Read more

Fostering Independence in Mentees


An important goal in any mentoring relationship is helping the mentee become independent, yet defining what an independent mentee knows and can do is often not articulated by the mentor or the mentee. Defining what independence looks like and developing … Read more

Carolina Teaching and Learning Colloquium Series

Join us on February 4 as Dr. Jennifer Friberg, Illinois State University, presents "Using Guided Notes to Scaffold Student Learning." Guided notes help increase content knowledge, encourage higher-level thinking, or increase student engagement. Registration is free but required.     … Read more

Promoting Mentee Research Self-Efficacy


Self-efficacy, an individual's belief in their capacity to execute the behaviors necessary to perform in a particular capacity, is essential for graduate students to be productive in their research. In this session, mentors will learn strategies to determine their mentees' … Read more

Understanding Promotion and Tenure Requirements

TEAM ADVANCE will host an interactive session about understanding requirements for earning promotion and tenure. All early career faculty, pre-tenure or fixed-term, are welcome. The session will include a presentation by Dr. Ron Strauss, Executive Vice Provost. Participants will also … Read more