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Faculty Administrator Development Program (FADP): UNC and its External Publics

318 Wilson Library

The Faculty Administrator Development Program (FADP) is an extensive introduction and overview to UNC Administrative Groups and Services for current or newly appointed leaders. Participants will strengthen their network of support and contacts across UNC, become oriented to campus administrative systems, … Read more

Summer Writing Group Program Orientation

Wilson Library, Room 504 (on main floor near grand entrance) Wilson Library, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

The Summer Writing Group (SWG) Program brings together faculty members from all disciplines and career stages in small groups to help spur writing productivity and foster cross-disciplinary connections. The SWG Orientation allows faculty to learn about the program and meet … Read more

Leadership Development Advanced Program 2017-18 Session IX: Leadership Development Plans and Closing Celebration

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

Leadership Advanced is a cohort program for leaders with two or more years of experience. It is focused on key leadership assessments and topics. Participants will learn leadership concepts and models, build specific skills, and practice mastery of those skills through … Read more

Developing a Habit of Writing: Theory and Practice

304 Wilson Library (ground level / bottom floor) Wilson Library, Room 304, Chapel Hill, NC, United States

We’ve all heard that a key to successful writing is to develop a habit of it: to engage in writing as a routine that is practiced regularly. In this workshop, we’ll consider development of a writing habit from theoretical and … Read more