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Faculty Foundations 2021


Faculty Foundations is an annual event that connects new and early career faculty with CFE resources for teaching and learning, research, leadership, mentoring, and succeeding as a faculty member here at Carolina. This year’s event will take place both in-person … Read more

Teaching With Higher-Order Prompts


Developing good prompts for discussion, assignments, and exams can help push students to think critically and achieve higher-order learning objectives. This workshop will explore the characteristics of higher-order prompts and how to use them throughout your courses. Learning Objectives:  Practice … Read more

Creating an Inclusive Syllabus


The syllabus is often the first point of contact between your students and your course. How can you ensure that this important document is inviting, not discouraging? In this session, we’ll review strategies to make your syllabus more welcoming, transparent, … Read more

Creating an Inclusive Syllabus


The syllabus is often the first point of contact between your students and your course. How can you ensure that this important document is inviting, not discouraging? In this session, we’ll review strategies to make your syllabus more welcoming, transparent, … Read more

Overcoming the Tyranny of Content


This workshop introduces participants to a recent publication from Life Sciences Education and offers practical strategies for shifting away from a content-coverage model of course design in favor of devoting more class time to active learning. Learning objectives: Leverage evidence … Read more