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How to Develop and Optimize a Departmental Mentoring Plan or Program


TEAM ADVANCE will host a two-hour interactive workshop for department chairs, faculty development specialists, and other faculty and administrators involved in faculty mentoring plans. Participants will identify best practices for developing departmental faculty mentoring plans or programs. Attention will be … Read more

Maintaining Effective Communication in Supporting Graduate Student Mentees


Developing and maintaining effective communication skills is essential for mentoring relationships. This interactive workshop introduces different communication styles, skills for active listening, and best practices for planning and providing feedback. Through discussion, activities, and case examples, participants will reflect upon … Read more

Aligning Expectations with Graduate Student Mentees


This interactive session introduces strategies for aligning faculty mentor and graduate student mentee expectations. Through discussion, review of case examples, and sample written expectations documents, participants will reflect upon the importance of establishing mentor-mentee expectations to their mentoring philosophies and … Read more

Cultivating Ethical Behavior: Supporting Graduate Student Mentees


Among the many responsibilities of graduate student mentors is training them in best practices for ethical behavior in their disciplines. As part of an ongoing series of trainings for faculty who mentor graduate students, this session explores the ethical issues … Read more