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Teach with Technology

fulbright1Inside and outside of the classroom, Carolina instructors use many different communication and instructional technologies; some tried-and-true, others on the cutting edge. CFE staff work with faculty searching for the right match between the goals they set for students and the strategies and tools that can best support those goals.



Polling and low-stakes assessment tools: Classroom response systems make it easy for instructors to quickly assess students’ understanding of course subject matter, demonstrate important course concepts, and spur class discussion.

  • Poll Everywhere: This ITS-supported class response system allows students to participate using their own personal devices. There is no cost to students or instructors.
  • Zoom: Zoom includes a simple polling function that is limited to multiple choice question types.
  • Canvas quizzes offer a powerful tool for creating a wide range of online assessment types.
  • Panopto: The University’s video management platform makes it possible for instructors to insert simple quizzes within videos.
  • iClicker: Example of a third-party polling solution adopted by some departments on campus. Students must purchase devices or accounts.

Classroom technologies: Centrally-supported general purpose classrooms (GPCs) are all equipped with digital projection, an in-room computer, a document camera, a Blueray/DVD player, and speakers. If you are teaching in a classroom supported by an academic unit, contact that unit’s IT support team for more information about the classroom technology.

  • ITS Classroom Hotline: Visit the Hotline site to learn more about technologies supported in GPCs as well as different classroom types (active learning, HyFlex, film-ready).
  • Active learning/flexible classrooms: Nearly a third of GPCs are designed to support student/instructor interaction and easy transitions between multiple teaching methods.

Audio/video creation and delivery: Recorded instructional video and audio serve a variety of course needs and formats. CFE staff can help instructors navigate the many options for designing, recording, and delivering course-related videos.  

  • Panopto: Panopto is the University’s centrally-supported video management platform. Panopto is similar to YouTube, but securely housed within your University account or course Sakai site. Panopto also supports in-video quizzes, student study tools, and other features for making your instructional videos more engaging.
  • Zoom: The University’s go-to web conferencing solution continues to be used for recording class sessions and other videos.
  • VoiceThread:  Integrated into each of your Sakai sites, VoiceThread allows you to post images, documents and videos, and then narrate, comment, and draw over presentations.
  • Adobe Premiere: Part of the Adobe Creative Cloud supported on campus, Premiere is professional-level video editing software.
  • Media and Design Center: University Libraries’ MDC offers support for Adobe and other media editing software, A/V media lab services, equipment check-out, video transfer services, and instructional support for faculty and students.

Learning Management Systems (LMS). Learning management systems provide flexible and feature-rich online environments for managing course interactions, content, and assessments. Project sites can be used to support academic and administrative projects as well. Canvas is the University’s centrally supported LMS. 

Teaching with Generative AI: There are many campus-based and external options for learning more about the instructional use of generative AI. Note that both the tools themselves and best practices for using them are evolving rapidly.

Collaboration Tools: There are several options for supporting project and student group work. Canvas Groups allows you to set up student group activities fully integrated with Gradebook and other Canvas features. Microsoft Office 365 supports rich collaboration options through Teams and OneDrive. 

Assessment Support: Software and services such as Gradescope can make assessment more efficient while providing more meaningful feedback to students.

Website design and hosting: is a web publishing service that allows anyone with an Onyen to create their own website at no charge.

Survey software: Online surveys are a great way to learn more about students, their learning needs and preferences, and their thoughts about the course experience.

Learning AnalyticsMy Course Analytics Dashboard makes it easy for instructors to learn more about the diversity of students enrolled in their courses and how different student groups have performed. Canvas also offers some course analytics features.

Campus IT Support and Training: Learn more about campus organizations that support instructional technologies and their effective use.


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