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TEAM ADVANCE provides a series of brief workshops, online learning modules, and web-based resources to support University and departmental leadership with fostering faculty mentoring relationships and developing formal mentoring programs. Throughout 2019-20, members of the project team will present modules during many of the deans and department chairs’ regularly scheduled meetings. Each module is approximately 15-20 minutes and includes interactive discussion and supplemental resources.

Workshop topics include:

  • Introduction to Inequity: a brief comparison of national and institutional data about faculty appointments (by race and gender), with a discussion about the impacts of institutional inequity on women of color and white women’s professional advancement.
  • Understanding Intersectionality: an introduction to intersectional theory and analysis, including a brief overview of intersectionality’s theoretical development and demonstration of intersectional analysis for providing support to women of color and white women faculty.
  • Mentoring and Faculty Annual Review: a discussion about departmental faculty annual review processes with attention to the positive roles mentors can play supporting their faculty mentees.
  • Understanding and Supporting the Faculty Mentoring Relationship: a discussion about different types of mentoring relationships (career mentoring and psychosocial mentoring), the characteristics of an effective mentor, and the ways departments can support faculty mentoring relationships.
  • The Role of Departmental Climate and Culture in Mentoring Relationships: a discussion about the ways departmental climate and culture can impact faculty mentoring relationships, both positively and negatively, and how departments can support faculty mentoring relationships.

We also offer a longer, interactive workshop, How to Develop and Optimize Departmental Mentoring Programs. The workshop introduces tools and resources for assessing needs and designing, implementing, and evaluating formal mentoring programs. The workshop was first offered as a three-hour session in May 2020; a revised format will be offered later in Spring 2021.

Contact to learn more about our support for deans, chairs, and campus leadership.